Policy amendment
Policy Amendment: 1 April 2021
Further to our Bulletin of 23 March 2021 cover under our Freelance solution notes the inclusion of the now market standard Communicable Disease Exclusion Endorsement which applies to all new and renewal policies as from 1 April 2021.
This applies to all insurance contracts in respect of activities/ businesses that operate under ‘Close Contact Services’. Communicable Disease - Total Exclusion
(applicable to Section B - Public and Products Liability)
We will not indemnify You under this Section in respect of:
Any claim for compensation in respect of Bodily Injury or Damage arising directly or indirectly and regardless of any other cause contributing concurrently or in any sequence, originating from, caused by, arising out of, contributed to by, resulting from, or otherwise in connection with a Communicable Disease or the fear or threat (whether actual or perceived) of a Communicable Disease.